Matt Kafami
A Virginia native with the travel bug, Matt finished his Bachelor's degree online while working and living full-time in a beach town. Matt enjoys experiencing new cultures, food and scenery with his wife through his work and personal travels. When he's not traveling, he's usually spending time with friends and family.
Professional Experience:
Matt began his career as a security analyst and worked his way up to a senior security engineer. With nearly 10 years of experience in the IT industry, Matt has built an extensive knowledge base which he enjoys writing about in his free time and sharing with the CBT Nuggets blog.
Topic Expertise:
Infosec, networking, cloud security.
Education / Certifications:
B.S. in Cybersecurity from Norwich University
Awards and Publications:
Matt has been published numerous times in eForensics Magazine between 2018 and 2020, and was a speaker at the BSides NoVa 2020 Security Conference.